Sandra Fees

Pine Row Issue No. 10 Spring 2025 - Featured Poet

At Nolde Forest after Leaving Church


No grass or doubts here.

This body swallowed whole

by Pennsylvania forest


and the scent of old pine

and river.


A pastor dunked my great-

great-grandparents in this river,

one county over.


Three times.

Once to open their eyes.

Once to quell the storms.

Once for the promise of life

to go on and on.


They are all dead now.


The water slicks the stones

with its prism-tongue


and river-promises. 

About the poem:  as shared by the poet

From the Desk of the Poet:

I’m primarily a lyric poet, exploring the inner life and drawing on natural imagery. I feel passionate about the intersection of poetry and spirituality. In fact, my poem, “At Nolde Forest after Leaving the Church,” was written in response to a guided meditation at a local yoga center. We were invited to imagine walking in the woods, finding a special tree and then returning along a river—a river where I ended up imagining my great-great grandparents, who were River Brethren, being baptized. 

Sandra Fees (she/her) is a poet and minister. Her passion is fostering connections between writing and spirituality. In her newsletter Poet in Spirit, she offers twice-monthly bite-sized inspirations for poets as spiritual seekers. Sandra loves exploring our own inner wisdom, connecting more deeply with others in small groups and expanding our creative capacities. 

Her first full-length poetry collection Wonderwork (BlazeVOX Books) was released in October 2024. Her previous books include two chapbooks, The Temporary Vase of Hands (Finishing Line Press, 2017) and Moving, Being Moved (Five Oaks Press, 2017, out of print). She is a past poet laureate of Berks County, 2016-2018. Her poems have received awards and been published in a variety of journals. You can learn more about her poetry books here or read her poems online here. 

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