Kathryne Lim

Pine Row Issue No. 7 Summer 2023 - Featured Poet



I have watched many hands,

measuring their temperature and temperament.


From speckled red in cold to risen veins

in heat, hands say so much


about a man. Hands that carry

items from port to port.


Hands that are busy.

Hands that don’t know what to do.


I have given myself over to many

hands; some for years, others


for just one night.

I have seen hands swiftly move


from the sacred to the profane,

from scorn to kindness and back


again. The division of hands can be

as different as left from right.


When I watched him hold

his hands to his chest


as if protecting something heavy inside,

I knew that he would handle me


with care. The care with which the bruised

consider the body of another.


As if handling a package

that has endured


many travails. As if opening

a box full of shards.

Kathryne Lim lives and creates in Santa Fe, NM. She received her MFA in poetry from the University of New Mexico, and also holds a Master’s in Social Work. Her poetry can be found in publications such as Ninth Letter Online, Spoon River Poetry Review, and Sugar House Review, and her debut poetry collection Constellation of Wings is forthcoming in 2023 (Pine Row Press). 

You can read more about Kathryne at www.kathrynelim.com.

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